Impact Measurement & Management:

Impact measurement and management (IMM) is integral to making effective impact investments. It includes identifying and considering the positive and negative effects one’s investment approaches have on people and the planet and then figuring out ways to mitigate the negative and maximise the positive in alignment with one’s goals. Impact measurement and management are iterative by nature.

Impact management is the ongoing practice of measuring, assessing and improving impacts on sustainability issues. It is relevant for enterprises and investors who want to manage environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks and those who also want to contribute positively to global goals.

  1. Planning for Impact
  2. Collecting Data
  3. Analysing Data
  4. Reviewing and Revising Impact
  5. Reporting Impact

Accelerator & Incubation Design & Management:

A startup accelerator, sometimes called a seed accelerator, is a business program that supports early-stage, growth-driven companies through education, mentorship, and financing. Startups typically enter accelerators for a fixed period and as part of a cohort of companies. While accelerator programs can provide beneficial resources to organisations at all stages of development, most focus on pre-revenue ones.

Business incubation is a public and private, entrepreneurial, economic and social development process designed to nurture businesses from idea generation to start-up companies. Through a comprehensive business support program, it helps them establish and accelerate their growth and success.

  1. Infrastructure 
  2. Business Services
  3. Financing
  4. People Connectivity

Business Development & Automation:

Business development (BD) is essentially any activity or idea that aims to improve a business over time. This means using customers, implementing strategic partnerships, using your markets and building your company’s reputation.

Business process automation refers to using technology to execute recurring tasks or processes in an organisation where manual effort can be replaced. It is done to minimise costs, increase efficiency, and streamline operations. Business automation aligns business process management (BPM) and business rules management (BRM) with modern application development to meet changing market demands.