Incubators cater to early-stage startups that are still developing their products and have no developed business model. Accelerators focus on growing existing companies that already have a minimum viable product (MVP) in early adopters’ hands with a well-defined product-market fit.

Entrepreneurs can receive mentoring from angel investors, venture capitalists, and other investors in an incubator. It may be difficult to learn from experts in one’s respective fields. An incubator provides opportunities for networking, access to funding, low-cost space and access to expensive equipment, as well as opportunities to meet industry leaders and establish relationships with mentors.

The accelerator program offers skill development, risk management, and continued support after the program ends. It creates an environment where one can flourish.

Connecting, collaborating, and growing is what we believe in. So that we can all contribute to strengthening the startup ecosystem. We are here to design a rollicking incubation and acceleration program for you. To foster the growth and success of young entrepreneurial companies with an array of business support resources and services.